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Terran Community connects responsible entities with individuals who look for opportunities to contribute.
Community against alienation
In a labour market where there is a battle for the best minds, and companies hunt for each other's talents in a perpetual cycle, Terran represents a more constructive solution  

Our platform gives mature companies the opportunity to modernize the labour market and grow further with highly trained and motivated employees who are unavailable for traditional recruitment.

Our team builds relationships with candidates on behalf of the entire partnership, ensuring that not only formal competence, but also values, passion and motivation match the needs of the business.

For every employee we help our partners find, our network of available candidates for the next opportunity grows even further. This is because we exist for both parties also between calls for proposals, and build bridges where the basis for engagement is not yet present.

Partnering with Terran is a signal that the company has made an active choice to build an inclusive corporate culture and has ambitions to contribute to growth beyond its own bottom line.
Terran is founded and run by a team that is close to the development of society both at work and privately, with an active approach to fostering a development that takes the next step from sustainability to regenerativity, from inclusion to community.

Meet the Terran-team:

Yuvalakshmi Thiruthiyappan



Phone: 966 71 332

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Yuva holds a bachelor’s degree in Economics & Business Administration, and a Master of Science in Business Administration, specialising in Strategic Marketing & Analytics (Siviløkonom). Of personal merit, we should mention that Yuva has achieved a distinction in Bharatanatyam (Indian classical dance form) and is a Duke of Edinburgh bronze award holder. She is the head of administrative & recruiter at Terran. She is extremely passionate in her position, and desires to perform well in her role and put her heart into the work.

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Johanna Johansson

Co-founder & Captain


Terran AS 

Phone: 458 65 382

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Johanna holds a bachelor's degree in International Development and a master's degree in Energy, Environment, and Society. She has international experience from studying abroad and working with NGOs, alongside a history of substantial involvement in the volunteer field and in building community. She has led a research project on ocean plastic and directed operations through logistics, innovative value chains and project administration. 

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Lars Urheim

Co-founder & Community Steward


Terran AS 

Phone: 970 94 854


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Lars is a designer, a serial entrepreneur, and a firm voice in the environmental field and on circular economy. He has long experience in building various start-ups ranging from, software via furniture and access industry, to raw materials and more. A former environmental activist, he brings sustainability thinking into practical solutions, alongside the disruptive design of business models, often based on opportunities fueled by predicting megatrends and changes in society.

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