Terran er stiftet og drives av et team som er tett på samfunnsutviklingen både på jobb og privat, med et aktivt forhold til å fremme en utvikling som tar steget videre fra bærekraft til regenerativitet, fra inkludering til fellesskap.
Johanna Johansson
Daglig leder og konsulent
Terran AS
Phone: 458 65 382
E-mail: Johanna@terran.team
Johanna holds a bachelor's degree in International Development and a master's degree in Energy, Environment, and Society. She has international experience from studying abroad and working with NGOs, alongside a history of substantial involvement in the volunteer field and in building community. She has led a research project on ocean plastic and directed operations through logistics, innovative value chains and project administration.
Lars Urheim
Co-founder & Community Steward
Terran AS
Phone: 970 94 854
E-mail: lars@terran.team
Lars is a designer, a serial entrepreneur, and a firm voice in the environmental field and on circular economy. He has long experience in building various start-ups ranging from, software via furniture and access industry, to raw materials and more. A former environmental activist, he brings sustainability thinking into practical solutions, alongside the disruptive design of business models, often based on opportunities fueled by predicting megatrends and changes in society.